Rental - Macbook Pro w Chauvet ShowXpress Software & DMX Interface
Production Macbook Pro Laptop with Chauvet ShowXpress Software & Chauvet Xpress 512 DMX Interface.
ShowXpress software turns any computer into a lighting console, allowing the user to create, store and play back scenes with any DMX lighting fixture through the Chauvet Xpress 512 DMX Interface.
Control Board
- Works on Windows® and Mac OS X
- Main window where all other screens are accessed
- Controls up to 6 universes (3,072 DMX channels)
- Create new fixture profiles or select from internal library
- Automatically assign DMX addresses to list of fixtures
- Define channel configurations and values
- Combines BUILDER, 2D VIEW and GENERATOR into a single window
- Easily program steps, scenes and shows
- On-screen color and gobo selections
- Unlimited scenes (when using a computer)
- Pan & tilt locks for spot light effect using a mouse
- Manually enter DMX values per channel (no more fader-sliding)
- Change background image to mirror actual application
- Move and select fixture(s) for grouping-on-the-fly (drag-and-drop technology)
- Generate movement or color macros with variable delay effects
- Select any color using the RGB color palette
- Simultaneous playback of multiple lighting scenes (layering)
- Completely user-configurable
- Up to 4 separate windows with unlimited pages per window
- Trigger scenes by mouse click, keyboard, date and time, automatic, sound and manual BPM
- Playback timelines with lighting, audio and video with a single click
- Synchronized multimedia creator with lighting, audio and video
- Plays multimedia file types: WAV, MP3, OGG, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, AVI, MPG, MPEG, MOV, WMV
- True drag-and-drop technology for all multimedia files
Stand Alone
- Select individual scenes to upload to interfaces
- Stand-alone scenes automatically start when computer is removed or powered off
- Simultaneous playback of multiple lighting scenes (layering) (with Xpress Plus™ and Xpress™-512 Plus interfaces only)
- Import and export shows from others
- Email backup files to friends or co-workers
- Backup and restore an unlimited number of shows
3D View
- See and control a complete show in real-time from any point of view
- Create new 3D objects or select from internal library
- Change object’s position, orientation, scale and color
- Import custom images to use as the ceiling, floor or walls